Our Team, consisting of qualified Therapists, Counsellors and Educationists bring you a plethora of topics towards awareness, emotional strength, healing and self-discovery through interactive and engaging workshops and learning circles for corporate houses & communities besides curriculum for schools.
Sharath Kumar
Clinical Hypnotherapist, Co-Founder
It is my study and experience that our childhood upbringing and beliefs profoundly shape our adulthood, influencing not only us but also the world around us. Fostering empowering beliefs in children equips them to care for themselves, stay present, and positively impact their surroundings.
Manisha Metha
Psychologist & Family Therapist
Through my work with children, I emphasize preventive mental health practices for self-awareness and resilience. I focus on fostering self-development and empowering skills in children, parents, and teachers, aiming for the cultivation of mature, sensitive, and responsible future adults.

Gouthami Srinivasan
IT professional, Research & Mentoring
Having been in the IT industry for 21 years, I have witnessed 'burnout' among people and understand that being emotionally empowered is imperative to overcome everyday challenges, for both adults and children. I believe that learning to be resilient is not external, but lies within us.